Wednesday, February 28, 2007

How pleasant it is when brothers live in unity....

I realise again why God sees unity and love for one another as something close to his very heart. Jesus said that last deliberate prayer for the people of God, us Christians, before he was sent to the cross, that we love one another and that we are one, just as He and the Father is one.

Being a spiritual father helps me to understand this much better. Sons that know my heart, shares my joy and pain, goes the extra mile for people and is open to discipline always bring me much pride and joy. And most of all, they learn to love one another as brothers and commit to each other's success shows true unity beyond our own interest. Our hearts are decietful and if we are not careful, our ministry becomes trophies of accomplishment when God deserves all the honor. How to guard this pitfall? Simply commit to your fellow brother's success and your spiritual father's success. With this heartbeat, we learn to love people with a genuine heart and build God's kingdom and not our own.

Why did i write all this? Well, simply to reinforce this spiritual truth in my heart so that it flows to my people. Seeing incidents happen in the spiritual family, especially one of disunity, especially among my sons(fellow brothers)and brothers really upsets me. If it becomes ungodly and sinful, its time to draw the line and draw the sword. Petty misgivings and hurtful rash remarks shows spiritual imaturity on the person. We need to always think the best of each other and not hold pre-concieved judgements on our own!

The Body of Christ have a long way to go...May the Lord teach me how to live in true unity and love. And teach me as a spiritual father, when to draw the line.