Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Greater your Battle, the Bigger your Destiny?

The word battle appears 208 times in the bible. David first personal battle was to overcome rejection and a not so prestigious title of a shepherd. But he did it willingly and faithfully. He overcame the bears, the lion, big bad Goliath and the Philistine Army. He overcame the pursued of all his enemies, betrayals and loneliness in the caves. He remained faithful, he remain God fearing. Each day seems like an endless fight, an endless battle.

All this because David was destined to be KING.

Do not belittle the battles you fight today. Honor the Lord, believe in His power. The Battles you fight today may just determine your destiny. The Greater your Battle, the Bigger your destiny. Its a Year of Victory!

1 comment:

Meg said...

i like this one. :)

i just stumbled upon your blog. i hope you update more, it's very encouraging :D

God bless you!